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Gold Prices Down Amid Strong Equity Markets (REALCOMMODITY.COM: 8077694749, 9720148005)


Gold costs fell on Monday in Asia as Asian values exchanged higher.
The benchmark gold fates contract on New York Mercantile Exchange's Comex was down 0.3% to $1,519.65 by 1:20 AM ET (05:20 GMT).
The fall in gold costs came as Asian financial exchanges bounced back. Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index bounced 2%, while Chinese stocks increased over 1.7%.
Wednesday's arrival of the Fed gathering minutes for July, alongside the Thursday-through-Saturday Jackson Hole retreat, and Chairman Jay Powell's discourse on Friday are relied upon to direct gold value development this week.
Brokers will likewise watch out on improvements on the Sino-U.S. exchange front, after U.S. President Donald Trump repeated throughout the end of the week that he isn't prepared to make an economic agreement with China, implying that he needs Beijing to take care of the issues in Hong Kong first.
In spite of the misfortunes today, examiners said place of refuge interest for gold stayed solid.
"Valuable metals may have profited by value anxiety and retreat fears this week, yet the absence of awful news is prodding some combination," TD Securities said in a note on gold.
Since the beginning of August, gold has increased over 6%, or about $90, on uplifted exchange pressures and continued purchasing by national banks reacting to a large number of disillusioning monetary information all inclusive.

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