am Preeti kaur from chandigarh took services from on 1 jan 2017 and get huge Profit of rs 20 lakhs because of their Good service provider rupali kaushik they update total real performance / tracksheet .
At the time of joining or giving the trials their head of technical analysis Rupali Kaushik told me that you will get monthly profit of Rs.5 lakhs instead i got profit of rs.20 lakhs from them.
Plz Plz join to 9720170020, or please invest in mcxbaba services hard earned money .
if u do not believe Give them Rs 20000 rs for 10 days service and see they will accept or see how the performance is going on.
few details about my transactions with them.
i paid rs.14, 000 fees for their nakshatra package on their website
from my HDFC BANK to their ICICI BANK ACCOUNT transaction id is #8544217 date: 1 jan 2017
i paid rs.14, 000 fees for their nakshatra package on their website
from my HDFC BANK to their ICICI BANK ACCOUNT transaction id is #8544217 date: 1 jan 2017
please also note that this company MCX BABA is applied registered with SEBI for giving advisory services they are operating totally Legally
preeti kaur.
preeti kaur.